Frequently Asked Questions2020-04-24T12:47:59-04:00

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often should I test?2020-04-24T12:49:01-04:00

Farmers should begin testing the hemp plant every week once the flower phase begins.

Please refer to our diagram below for information on where components should be tested in the process.

2. What is the difference between delta-9 THC and Total THC?2020-04-24T12:00:44-04:00

Total THC is a calculation from the sum of delta-9 THC and a percent THCA thought to have conversion potential.

The calculation is for Total THC is:
Total THC= delta-9 THC + THCa * (0.877)


3. How do I send Samples?2020-04-24T12:01:31-04:00

Please contact us if you are interested in shipping samples. This can be done through USPS, FedEx, or UPS. We will send you access to the Customer Portal, and from there you can fill out an order request form. Once we have received your request to send samples, we will provide you with detailed shipping instructions for how much of each sample to send, and the shipping address.

4. What are some resources?2020-04-24T12:03:53-04:00

Best Practice for Hemp Testing

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